I’ve been asking evaluators and non-evaluators to reflect upon great presentations. How can you make sure your message really sticks with the audience? These conversations will inform the American Evaluation Association’s new Potent Presentations Initiative (P2I). I recently chatted with my dad to find out what impresses…
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Upcoming Events
- 7/25: Workshop for NeighborWorks America
- 9/10: California Wellness Foundation’s 2014 Organizational Learning and Evaluation Conference
- 10/23: Workshop for 21st Century Community Learning Centers
- 10/24: Workshop for the Indiana Evaluation Association
- 11/19: Webinar for the National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers
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- #YNPNdc14: DataViz! Tips, Tools, and How-Tos for Visualizing Your Data
- How to Use Data Visualization to Better Tell Your Story
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