Monthly archive for October2012

My Eval12 Aha Moments

My Eval12 Aha Moments

My favorite part of the American Evaluation Association’s annual conference in October 2012 was officially meeting the evaluators who I’d previously met online – like Karen Anderson, Katherine Dawes, Amy Germuth, Simon Hearn, Susan Kistler, Chi Yan Lam, Chris Lysy, Ehren Reed, Patricia Rogers, Jon Sachs,…

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Come meet me at #eval12!

Come meet me at #eval12!

Greetings evaluators! Are you attending the American Evaluation Association’s conference in Minneapolis? If so, I hope we can meet. Here’s where I’ll be during the conference: Wednesday, October 24 Lunch with the lovely Jen Hamilton. Dinner with the Innovation Network team. Thursday, October 25 11 –…

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Conference Tips for Newbie Evaluators

Conference Tips for Newbie Evaluators

Are you getting excited for the American Evaluation Association’s conference next week in Minneapolis? This week I’m sharing conference tips for newbie evaluators and first-time conference attendees. While many of these ideas will be obvious for experienced evaluators, these ideas won’t be obvious for your coworkers…

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Defining Complex Ecologies: 1 Photo, 25 Words

Defining Complex Ecologies: 1 Photo, 25 Words

As Stephanie Evergreen wrote, “This year, the American Evaluation Association is loaded with a ton of great stuff… I’m also really excited to see the closing session on Saturday, because AEA President Rodney Hopson is pulling together something amazing. The theme of the conference this…

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Getting the Resources You Need for Evaluation [Guest post by Patrick Germain]

Getting the Resources You Need for Evaluation [Guest post by Patrick Germain]

Hi evaluators!  My name is Patrick Germain and I am the Director of Program Evaluation and Quality Assurance at Project Renewal, and the Founder and Director of Performance Management Professionals, a community of practice based in New York City on issues of Performance Measurement and Management and Evaluation….

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